3 Ways To Fix Instagram’s Unfollow Bug

Whether you are an influencer or do Instagram marketing in Los Angeles, New York, or other major cities we have some bad news.

Branding Los Angeles
2 min readFeb 7, 2019

Ever have the problem where you can’t follow people on Instagram? A common bug that is present in the app might make connecting with other users a problem. No matter how many times you press follow on a page Instagram ends up unfollowing them immediately. This bug makes the best part of Instagram useless. Luckily we have 3 different techniques to prevent this.

On Facebook:

1. When logged into your Instagram on mobile go to your profile page.

2. Touch the 3 lines in the upper right to open the menu and access the settings.

3. In the Follow People section look for Facebook Friends. When the login window pops up log into your Facebook.

4. Return to Instagram and the profile you want to follow. Tap Follow and the bug should be fixed.

If You Don’t Have A Facebook Account:

1. Scroll to the bottom of the settings page.

2. Touch the blue Log Out button

3. Log back in and try following the page you wanted.

4. You can also uninstall Instagram after logging out. Reinstall the app and Log back in to start following people again.

If you have a computer available:

1. If the fixes on mobile don’t work, open a browser on desktop and go to Instagram.com

2.Type in your information and Log into your account

3. Look for the pages that you want to follow and follow through the desktop.

4. When you open the app on mobile you should still be following all of the accounts that you followed on your computer.

These fixes will help with your Instagram marketing in Los Angeles to compete with their trendy influencers.

About Branding Los Angeles:

Branding Los Angeles is glad to help with all of your social media needs to get your photos to the world. We specialize in Instagram marketing in Los Angeles. Follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter for more social media tips.



Branding Los Angeles

Branding Los Angeles is a powerful, multicultural marketing agency providing award-winning services in Strategic Branding, Marketing and Communications, and PR.